Signs of delivery before or on the eve of birth - About All Stuff


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Friday, April 19, 2019

Signs of delivery before or on the eve of birth

There are small signs of delivery, their appearance means that the date of birth has approached, they appear days before or on the eve of the day of birth. We will talk about these signs and their features.

* Sense of exhaustion and nausea after things were going well until now; because of the hormonal change that occurs in late pregnancy to begin the process of birth.

* Loss of the mucous plug, ie, the removal of the pituitary that blocked the cervix during the entire pregnancy, usually occurs at the start of contractions, and sometimes three days before birth.

* You have an urgent desire to arrange; you are going to have thorough cleaning at home, you want everything to be clean and neat, which means the arrival of the child.

* You feel regular contractions, and if you have a bladder you have enough time to get to the hospital. Several hours separate the contractions and the neck opening completely.

* Actual birth begins when you feel painful abdominal contractions at the level of the lumbar region; where you find the abdomen hard if you put your hand on it, and if the painkillers still pain, it means the beginning of labor of birth.

* The pain reaches its peak with increased severity of the uterus, and then recede severity; do not feel pain after the start of the next contraction.

When you are 10 minutes you can go to the hospital, and do not forget to stop eating and drinking; if you need a surgery, it is best to have the stomach empty.

When the contraction approaches, focus and breathe quietly with a long, deep exhalation during the period of contraction. Your blood should move as much oxygen as possible to nourish your working womb and your baby, who consumes too much of it.

Avoid cramping that most pregnant women tend to feel when they are growing. Try to relax, relax all your muscles, reduce the amount of oxygen your uterine muscle consumes. Relaxation and non-resistance to contractions extend the cervix more easily.

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