A hospital bag for delivery and a baby bag and important tips when processing a birth bag - About All Stuff


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Monday, April 29, 2019

A hospital bag for delivery and a baby bag and important tips when processing a birth bag

Did your pregnancy trip end and your date of birth did not know what to put in the hospital bag for delivery? Follow this article to find out about the contents you need to prepare for the mother, child and facilities in the delivery bag.

Tips when preparing a hospital bag for delivery

  • Write your list of needs and hang them on the wall in your room until you are in front of your eye all the time.
  • Arrange your bag at the end of the eighth month so that you will not be surprised by the pain of labor.
  • Ask about the system of the hospital where you will be born, because some women prefer to bring their belongings from the house, such as pillows and blankets.
  • You can organize two bags, the first for you during labor pains and the second after childbirth.

Preparing the hospital bag for delivery

The items you can put in the hospital bag for delivery are:

What to dress

If you want to walk around the garden of the hospital, you can wear two long, rather heavy gowns, in the labor stage, and you can wear it after giving birth in your room, and make sure that the color is brown to hide the spots, or choose a wide loose blouse, and you should choose an open blouse to make it easier for you to breastfeed, and a comfortable cotton trousers

Comfortable underwear to wear during your stay in the hospital, and be careful to be cottonbra suitable for breastfeeding.


open shoes for the bathroom, I have to bring a light slipper you can walk around the room and another to enter the bathroom, and it easier for you to take it off.


Most women feel their feet cold during labor, so you should equip a sock in the delivery bag.

Birth Ball

You can make sure that there is a ball inside the hospital you go to, this ball has the benefits of softening the muscles of the pelvis and reduce the pain in the lower back, and advised to use to move the basin, Head down and move in preparation for birth, used to sit on it.

Oils for massage

You should bring with you a lotion or oil for massage when you are surprised by the pain of labor.

Proof of identity

The hospital will need to confirm your personal identity, such as your personal identification card or any other documents that may be requested by the hospital according to the nature of your country.

Cleaning tools and showers

Bring your own toiletries , make sure you bring your own lotion and personal towel be careful to be cotton.

Bring baby clothes
  •  a light / heavy blanket according to the timing of delivery
  •  diapers for newborns
  •  small pacifier

Anesthesia sprays

it is important in spraying on the area you feel pain, especially that a large proportion will not be available in the hospital. and
moisturizing cream.

Comfortable pillow and bed sheet

we recommend that you replace your pillows and bed sheets instead of the hospital ... if you spend more than a day in the hospital.

Document each stage

You need to document each stage of your baby's exit to the world. Specifically, your husband is the one who will do this. We recommend that you bring a camera to take pictures of you and your child after birth. You can use the camera of your mobile if you do not have a camera. Do not forget your phone charger.

 You need to bring your toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush and hairpins

Try to start preparing the delivery bag before the date of birth at a suitable time, and try to list the most important things you protest so as not to confuse anything, and if you had experience with birth bags share with us?

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